In this case, you can get furniture delivered at a more affordable price than if you used the services offered by the furniture store. Usually, the cost of furniture delivery from the store where you purchased goods is high. Even if the store relies on an outside company, you will spend more going this route than if you hired a reputable moving company.
Another scenario in which a professional furniture delivery service proves invaluable is when staging a home. For instance, if you work as a real estate agent within the Greater Toronto Area, you can hire a company that picks the pieces up and delivers them for an open house. The furniture will arrive in plenty of time so that you can have everything ready for potential homebuyers to walk through one of your listings.
Perhaps one of your relatives recently retired and moved into a smaller home or passed away, gifting you with beautiful furniture. Especially since the items have sentimental value, you want not only to keep them but also ensure they arrive without any damage. With a team of highly trained and experienced movers, the right company will exceed your expectations.
Trusting the Best
At Tower Moving and Storage, we can have your furniture delivered when you need it. However, we can also store items for you in our excellent storage facility with state-of-the-art security and a broad range of unit options. For all your moving needs, including the delivery of furniture, we are the most trusted source in Toronto.